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Has anyone experience encephalitis after transplant?

My husband had a second transplant Nov 22 with so many things going wrong. For nearly 3 wks now his speech has become slurred, seeing things and confusion. The doctors have only now admitted him as they kept shrugging it off saying it was the medication. He has had a lumbar puncture and awaiting an MRI.


  • Hi Beaglegirl,
    I’m Karen, from the Patient Services team here at Anthony Nolan.
    I’m so sorry to hear about that your husband is experiencing such awful effects such as slurred speech, confusion and seeing things, it must be very difficult to see him go through this after his transplant.
    It must be so worrying when the doctors appear to be shrugging off your worries, but he is in the right hands and they are checking any possible anomalies by performing the MRI.
    Hopefully you will get answers from the MRI,Please do persist in having a discussion with them. Your healthcare team will have the best understanding of his medical history.
    Our Patients & Families Forum is available for you still, but if we can help further, please feel free to call our Helpline on 0303 303 0303 or you can email us at patientinfo@anthonynolan.org
    All our best wishes,

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